४ जात ३६ वर्ण हो कि ४ वर्ण ३६ जात ? कुन ठिक

यिनिहरुलाई जात भनेपनि हिन्दु वर्ण भनेपनि यि शब्दले कामको प्रकृति जनाउँछ । ४ जात वा ४ हिन्दु वर्णाक्रम भनेको कामको प्रकृति अनुसारको क्रम भन्ने बुझिन्छ । जात त ४ नै रह्यो कामको प्रकृति अनुसार ३६ वर्ण भएको पनि हामी पाऊँछौं । कसैले उल्टो वर्णलाई अगाडि राखि ४ वर्ण ३६ जात भनेको पाईन्छ । दुवैको माने वाहुन, क्षेत्रि, वैश्य, शुद्र - ४  र कामको प्रकृति - ३६ भनेको बुझिन्छ भन्ने मेरो बुझाई छ ।

फेरी छालाको रंगलाई पनि बर्ण नै भनिन्छ, ३ मूलभूत मानव नश्लीय आधारमाश्वेत वर्ण (ककेशीयन्वाइड, आर्यन, ह्वाइट स्किन), गहुँगोरो बर्ण ( मंगोल, यलो स्किन ), श्याम बर्ण ( नेग्रो, हब्सी, ब्लाक स्किन ) ।  
The meaning of "community" in English and "Samuday" / "sampraday" in Khas-Nepali is same. And on the other hand, we have ethnic group in english and in "Jaati" in Khas-Nepali. The caste in english and "Jat" in Khas-Nepali. We dont have... confusion what is "caste" or "jat" , this is 4 hindu classifiactions "Varna" guided by Manu smriti. Basically it is social job claasification, or say labour division> Later on extended this basic classification into many castes or many labout divisions as neccesary in the society, 4 barna 36 jat ( sometimes written 4 jat 36 Varna ?? not correct ) is example 4 basic hindu classes with 36 labour division. Here "Jaat" is man made in nature.

Now the what is ethnic group and what is community. Ethnic group is people sharing with common at least one among followings language, religion culture, geography, history. Whereas a community is more emphasysing a society with independent unit, it can be an ethnic group, it canbe a national community, or international community. And ethnicity basically covers emotional bondings between member to member also. Here ethnic group or community is not man made in nature, it is build as nature as required.

Newar were delveloped ethnic group or community, even it was developed upto nation. Viewing emotional bonds which is, nationality by ethnicity ( known as "Jatiyata" ), in my opinion "Newah" should be better termed as nationality by ethnicity, or it is a highly developed ethnic group, however newar is community no doubt.


  1. ४ जात ३६ वर्ण होला । ४ जात.. सेतो र कालो मा आँखा ठुलो नाक तीखो पाहाडि र मधेसि २ जात र सेतो र कालो मा नाक नेप्टो आँखा सानो गुरुङ मगर सेर्पा लगायत हरु र थारु हरु

  2. खास 4 जात नै हुनुपर्छ की 36 बर्ण होकी


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